"Real Time" Online Banking
Whether you need to check a balance, see if certain checks have cleared, transfer between accounts, or balance your accounts, Miners Online Banking is right for you. With our Online Banking we’re getting information to you faster than ever before. Some of our features include:
- Account Alerts and Reminders
- Account Nicknames
- Advanced History
- Alternate Login ID
- Bill Pay
- Calendar
- Check Register
- Customizable Color Settings
- E-mail Alert Notifications
- E-Statements
- Real Time Transactions
- Secure Messaging
- Transfers & Scheduled Transfers
If you would like to enroll in online banking, please stop by our customer service department!
For questions, please contact one of our Customer Service Representatives at (218)744-5465.
For questions, please contact one of our Customer Service Representatives at (218)744-5465.